The BEST way to have healthier looking skin is to get professional skincare guidance.
Skincare Consultation
Have you had a bad experience due to acne, roseaca, or other skin condition?
Acne is not a “hygiene” issue. Acne is a complex condition that must be managed.
Do you want to feel more confident in your skin’s appearance?
DIY is expensive and frustrating to figure out on your own. Get help from a skincare specialist
A skincare consultation is a process of evaluating current skin condition, product use, and so much more to create a customized care plan. I offer the following 3 ways to schedule your personalized consultation today.
Have You Had A Negative Skin Experience Too?
I had acne as a teen and into my 20’s and even 30’s.
There is something about acne that suggests you’re young (not in a good way) or dirty that other skin conditions don’t connote. At a time in my life when I wanted to be taken seriously as an adult, having acne made me feel like my authority was undermined.
If you’re like most of us, you’ve tried lots of products and DIY solutions (I think I’ve heard them all) to help your acne. Not all of these products are bad! Sometimes they simply aren’t the right ones for you, or you don’t know how to use them, or you don’t have the other products needed to properly support your skin.
With most skin conditions, there isn’t just one product that will turn your skin around. It’s using the right products, in the right way, and monitoring your progress (that’s my part) that will make the difference.
Dealing with skin issues alone can be confusing and frustrating.
Even if you don’t have any particular issues (lucky you!) how do you know if you’re doing all that you can to maintain your skin?
A Skin Care Consultation is a process of becoming familiar with my clients and the factors that affect their skin’s health and appearance. Because everyone is so UNIQUE the solutions I offer are customized to you, your skin, today.
I help my skincare clients
Gain control of their acne (my methods help over 90% of my clients).
Save money by not spending hundreds of dollars trying products that were never meant for your skin.
Save time in learning curve while researching and applying unknown techniques.
Be supported emotionally through the journey while making not only product but also lifestyle changes.
Have an accountability partner and a way of documenting your learning and progress.
Have you seen a professional but didn’t get results?
Many clients have tried products, DIY, been to estheticians (most are not trained extensively in acne, rosacea or other chronic skin conditions) and dermatologists and they still don’t see the results they are looking for.
I will be really straight with you about what you can expect, how long it might take, what I expect from you and what you can expect from me. I recall how vulnerable I felt when facing my own acne. I just wanted to have someone I could trust, that understood my struggles and was supportive. Someone who wasn’t looking to take advantage of my situation to sell me expensive products that they carried and hoped would work.
I personally feel that my reputation as a professional is on the line with every person that chooses to work with me. I feel that my clients are walking advertisements. I need you to care as much as I do (and I care a lot!) I won’t waste your time or money on products that I don’t think you need. However, if I think you need it, then you really do need it.
Are you a person who wants to pick and chose from my recommendations? If so it is likely you will just end up disappointed and frustrated. With that said we’re probably not a good fit.
Chronic Skin Conditions Are A Management Issue
If you have a chronic skin condition, you’re always going to have to deal with it. But I’ll be there to encourage and support you every step of the way.
There are so many variables in people’s skin…
As an esthetician, I’ve had my hands on hundreds of faces and they are all different. From my years of experience I can safely say that a lot of people get it wrong when they try to assess their own skin. If the assessment isn’t right, the products that you choose or the treatment that you pick might also be incorrect. Without someone knowledgeable to guide you, you could spend so much money and not get results or make your condition worse!
Another issue that I see is the buzz around certain ingredients but there is sooo much more to that story.
Ingredients need to be formulated correctly in order for you to get the most benefit from them. And just because it has an ingredient that is popular, you can’t tell the quality of the ingredient that went into the product. The differences in raw materials are vast and you can’t tell that by looking at labels.
My Skincare Consultations Are Available By Appointment…
I’ve learned through working with clients who have moved away or have gone off to college that while they get faster results when they can come in for a treatment, they can still get fantastic results just by consistently following my recommendations about home care.
I think of myself as more of a skin coach and sometimes a detective!
We‘ll look at lifestyle and diet to try to get to the root cause of the issue. I will share as much information with you as I can to empower you to make changes in your skin.
In order to get the best result possible, you will have to follow my directions and that’s the part I can’t control.
But, if you’re willing to put in the work, I will be with you 100%!
Get Started Today
Step 1
Click the button below to fill out the intake form. At this point, you can also choose to schedule a remote consultation by phone or video if you feel you need additional guidance. If you don’t want to phone or video, we can chat on the portal, once you join that in the next step. I prefer this method as then there is a record that we can both refer back to.
Step 2
After filling out the form you will be invited to my HIPAA compliant skincare platform Practice Better. This will keep all your information private, secure and organized.
Please accept the invite and use the chat function to upload current images of your skin as soon as possible.
Step 3
Your consultation will be uploaded shortly after I have received your images. From there you can chat with me at any time, discuss your skin, have access to up-to-date info on your skin, product recommendations and protocols all customized for you!
Skin Care Consultation Includes Education
As part of a consultaton You will get:
A skin assessment and analysis
A detailed skincare routine
Online Portal journal so we can review your skin care regimen together.
Lists of ingredients to avoid in:
Body Wash
Food reccomendations
Lifestyle considerations
After our initial consultation, I am available for coaching to answer questions, provide education & care, services where appropriate, as well as solutions for your skincare needs. This is a process of discovery to uncover your best healthy skin. It has been my experience that RESULTS happen due to YOUR daily efforts. As your skincare coach, I help keep you accountable to the care plan so you can achieve those results.