Get Clear Skin
Acne Clinic
Hello! My name is Laura and I am an acne specialist. I love treating acne because the results are LIFE CHANGING.
What To Expect
The Process
My treatment program is for clients who have tried other acne treatments, medications, prescriptions, and antibiotics without success. My program is also a great way to introduce teens to the proper way to care for their acne before they waste time and hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the latest "do-it-yourself cure." Although technically acne cannot be cured, only managed, my system offers over a 90% success rate. Acne can be debilitating, but the right treatments, products, home care, lifestyle choices, and consistency, will unveil beautiful and glowing skin. With this program, we work together to address your specific type of acne and put together a customized plan of action. Typically, you will come in every two weeks for a treatment and for me to re-access your skin. Text me today to get a consultation set up and start the Clear Skin journey immediately! And, if you don’t live locally I can still help you achieve AMAZING results. Just click here to find out about my Long Distance Clear Skin Program.
The Products
Using the right products is crucial to the success of the treatments. I have taken extensive courses on the subject of acne. I know the right products to use to help clear your skin and restore it to a brand new complexion you never knew you could achieve. All this while looking at the long-term health of your skin and keeping it glowing. The beauty of seeing a professional is that I can constantly assess your skin and give you what you need to succeed.
Expect to pay from $165 to approx $250 for your first set of products.
First Facial
$145 | 90 minutes
During this consultation, we will have an in-depth skin analysis and perform a sensitivity test. You need to book this appointment before booking any treatment appointments.
Please check out the First Facial page to learn more about how to get started on your skin journey!
Acne Treatment
Level 1 $80.00 | 30 minutes
Level 2 $100.00| 60 minutes
Level 3 $125.00 | 90 minutes
Level 4 $200.00 | 120 minutes
This facial is a customized acne treatment for whatever area is problematic. Depending on the severity of acne and the type of modalities used, the treatment can last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. The products used on your skin will be based on the type of acne you have, your age, and how sensitive your skin is.
Client Stories
Acne is caused by two basic things, genetics or a reaction to something that you’re ingesting or putting on your skin. For most people, it is genetic and then aggravated by the wrong skincare products or makeup. People with acne tend to shed more skin cells inside the follicle than other people. The follicle can’t keep up to keep it clear and so a microcomedone forms, which is the start of the acne cycle.
Acne typically takes 30 to 90 days to form and so it takes at least as long to go away. I will advise you on the proper products to use and how to use them. Consistent home care is what gets results and home care is what stops new acne from forming. You will also come in every 2 weeks so that I can treat what has come to the surface. This two-pronged approach is what will give you a great result.
In a word: no! Most products contain pore-clogging or follicle aggravating ingredients, even those that are prescription, say they treat acne or claim to not clog pores. I need to know exactly what is coming into contact with your skin in order to give you the results you desire. There are so many variables when treating acne. We’ll look at what you’re eating, what your typical day is like sports or activities you engage in, and various other lifestyle choices. Some acne treatments include a light chemical peel and in order to responsibly do that, I need to control your pre-and post-care.